Papeles del Este
Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense
EDITORES: ICEI (Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales) e ICO (Instituto de Crédito Oficial)
- Volúmen 11 ( 2006) -
Texto completo en
Presentación 1 Global, European and National Challenges in the Enlarged European Union with Emphasis on the New Member Countries INOTAI, ANDRÁS 2
Palabras Clave: European Union, challenges, European Enlargement Resumen: The enlarged and further enlarging EU faces challenges on three levels: global, European and national. The article looks at these challenges in general, and from the point of view of the new member countries, in particular. It identifies some of the basic policy dilemmas of the new members with substantial impact on the future of the European integration as a whole. They include the policy mix in order to sustain the already started catching-up process to more developed EU members, the mixture of competitiveness and social welfare, answers to an increasingly two-way process of industrial relocation and the right timing of membership in the EMU.The last part of the paper deals with key future requirements of a successful EU, such as vision, leadership and new social mentality.In this context, the necessity of an increasing role of the new members in shaping the future of Europe is argued for.
Common Employment Policies of the EU – Challenges and Opportunities for Hungary FÓTI, KLÁRÁ 3
Palabras Clave: Employment, policy measures, labour market, Hungary Resumen: Numerous objectives, targets and measures are envisaged in the National Action Plan for Employment in order to address the low employment level, which is considered as one of the biggest problems of the labour market in Hungary. It remains to be seen, however, how effective these measures will be especially in the short run because many of the factors underlying this problem require long term solution. For example, employability of the unskilled people cannot be improved overnight, and the same is true for large regional disparities. It will take a long time to overcome regional labour market diversification, and this would obviously require an efficient use of the EU-funds, which is far beyond the scope of the employment policy, and would need close coordination with other economic and social policy measures.
On the Six Years of the Operation and Regulating of EMU RÁCZ, MARGIT 4
Palabras Clave: Economic and Monetary Union, fiscal policy, Stability and Growth Pact Resumen: The separation of the two elements of financial policy, the parting of fiscal and monetary policies in the decision-making system is one of the most unique features of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Concerning fiscal policy, the Treaty of Maastricht and the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) only contain equilibrium requirements. It is evident since 2002 that meeting the requirements of SGP has proved unachievable for a number of member-countries. Consequently, the most important challenge the Economic and Monetary Union faces these days is whether stability can be secured without strict fiscal regulations.
The Halt of the Constitucional Process and the Consequences of the Potencial Non-Enforcement VIDA, KRISZTINA 5
Palabras Clave: Constitutional Treaty, democracy, rights, policies, European Union Resumen: The article makes an inventory of the major innovations of the Constitucional Treaty and attempts to analyse what EU citizens lose with the potential nonratification of the document. The outcome of the analysis is that EU citizens lose a more streamlined and transparent system of primary law enriched with important constitutional values (including the protection of minority rights), they lose an improved institutional balance and increased democratic input, as well as the reinforcement of the policies aiming at higher internal security and stronger external action. The rest of the policies will remain unchanged as the Constitutional Treaty did not substantially reform them. What citizens might win from the two negative referenda, however, is the high probability of the EU institutions’ introducing more transparency and democracy into their daily functioning, coupled with the preparedness of both the institutions and the Member States to engage in a real dialogue with the wide public on the future of the European Union.
EU Budget Milestones: From Fundamental Systemic Reforms to Organised Chaos SZEMLÉR, TAMÁS 6
Palabras Clave: European Union, budget, Delors Resumen: In this paper, the four “milestones” of the EU budget, the four main packages related to the mid-term financial perspectives are being examined. The overall tendency seems to be clear: in 1988 the Delors I. package has created the basic features of a system that has been later adjusted several times, and for today, we arrived at a point, where it is hard to be seen because of the jungle o modifications. Time is running fast – it is now that we have to begin to think about how the new system should look like, if we are interested in making Europe dynamic, innovative and competitive on the long run.
Notas acerca de la modernización económica en China DÍAZ VÁZQUEZ, JULIO A. 7
Palabras Clave: centralización, mercado, relaciones monetario mercantiles, modelo económico Resumen: De manera sintética, este trabajo aborda las características conceptuales más relevantes contenidas en las " cuatro modernizaciones" de la economía, iniciadas en China, a partir de l979. Pone de relieve que, lo comenzado bajo el prisma político de una "reforma" en realidad, ha devenido en la gestación de un "modelo económico socialista" que, si bien no tiene definidos todos sus perfiles se aleja de lo que se conoció como "modelo económico clásico socialista", surgido con el experimento "soviético" en Rusia en l917.
Nuevas perspectivas en los estudios sobre la inmigración de Europa central y oriental HELLERMANN, CHRISTINANE 8
Palabras Clave: España, Portugal, inmigración, Europa Central y Oriental, comparación. Resumen: España y Portugal se enfrentan a un nuevo fenómeno de llegada y asentamiento de los denominados inmigrantes ‘del Este’. En la última década, el intenso crecimiento de los colectivos inmigrantes procedentes de esta zona de Europa y su participación en los mercados de trabajo los han convertido en importantes factores de transformación social en ambos países. Los autores observan que, a pesar de la proximidad geográfica y corta tradición de inmigración de Europa Central y Oriental a España y Portugal, ambos países presentan unas diferencias importantes en los modos de abordar los análisis de las dinámicas de migraciones procedentes de esta parte de Europa. En el artículo se analizan estas diferencias y también se proponen nuevas líneas de investigación con el fin de profundizar en el conocimiento sobre la inmigración 'del Este'.
Secretos de Stalin ÚBEDA, Luis Miguel 9 Disputa en torno al legado soviético ÚBEDA, Luis Miguel 10 Alegato contra Putin ÚBEDA, Luis Miguel 11