GERION. Revista de Historia Antigua
Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Vol. 20 - Nº 1 (2002)
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Artículos desarrollados fundamentalmente en castellano y el resumen/abstract en inglés
7. Sumario 57 KB
Gerión, 20 años (1982-2002) 39 KB BLÁZQUEZ, José María 8 Sobre el buen uso de los monumentos arqueológicos 87 KB BERMEJO BARRERA, José Carlos 11 Resumen: In this article the current situation of historical knowledge is studied by developing an analysis of the treatment of archaeological artifacts as the main point. Three are the main argumentation points treated: first, the transformation of archaeological artifact in merchandise; second, the integration of that archaeological artifact in the museum and exhibition industry, and, third, the banalitation of the artifact, that, at the end, becomes an object for touristic consume. Feminismo, postmodernidad e Historia Antigua. Entre la igualdad y la diferencia 175 KB CASCAJERO, Juan 33 Resumen: Only the permanent conscience, in women and men, of the negative discrimination (past and present) it can justify and to impel, for the sake of the equalityautonomy, the woman’s absolutely indispensable positive discrimination in the daily life, in the politics... and in the historiography. The clarification of the equality- difference conflict facilitates the understanding of today’s feminism and, therefore, it also enables the acceptance and use by the antiquity scholars of its theoretical as well as practical contributions. ¿Dónde está la mitología fenicia?: Al-Idrisi y los Aventureros de Lisboa 172 KB MATESANZ GASCÓN, Roberto 75 Resumen: Many archaelogical rests to attest the lengthy presence in the Iberian Peninsula of Phoenician settlements, and its deep impact on the native peoples material culture too. But is more difficult to determine what ideological consequences had the phoenician implantation. However, some stories preserved in the Middle Ages´ Spanish Literature show how beforehand, in the Ancient Ages, phoenician myths circulate through the Peninsula. An instance is the kabirim´s myth. The work of the Muslim geographer al-Idrisi shows us the kabirim like human beings, whose voyage is still remembered in Lisbon in the 12th century A.D. Traslados de población entre el Norte de África y el sur de la Península Ibérica en los contextos coloniales fenicio y púnico 214 KB LÓPEZ PARDO, Fernando | SUÁREZ PADILLA, José 113 Resumen: Les Carthaginois ont déplacé des populations libyens plus au moins punicicés vers le sud d´Espagne dans le cadre de sa présence hégémonique dans le territoire a partir de la seconde moitié du Vléme siècle av. J-C. Ont trouve des precedents dans la colonie phénicienne de Lixus, ou ont peut suirve les traces de population dépendant provenant de la côte de Malaga. Evoluzione diacronica della religione greca 189 KB MORA, Fabio 153 Resumen: L’analyse des structures religieuses grecques permet d’y repérer quatre phases: un polythéisme fondé sur la via eminentiae, comme absolutisation d’une perspective anthropocentrique, d’un homme aperçu dans son intégration sociale diversifiée; une anthropologie, qui reconnaît dans l’homme un élément transcendant la réalité concrète (env. 550-350 av. J.C.); la crise hellénistique de la pensée univoque (pluralisme philosophique-religieux); la convergence de l’élément grec dans une synthèse plus vaste, marquée par la redécouverte grecque et juive de la transcendance (medioplatonisme). Prosopografía corintia (siglo V a.C.) 92 KB FORNIS, César 197 Resumen: The aim of this paper is to show the active presence and participation of a conspicuous oligarchic family —through the three generations represented by Adeimantos, Aristeos and Aeneas— in the Corinthian public life and foreign politics during the fifth century B.C. ¿Segregación o integración?: Relaciones entre las ciudades griegas helenísticas de Asia Menor y las poblaciones anatólicas 118 KB LOZANO, Arminda 205 Resumen: This article tries to offer a contribution, as far as the limited documentation allows it, to the study of the domestic policies of the various Seleucid sovereigns toward the Greek cities in the occidental part of their empire. The role played by these cities toward the preexisting population in these territories will be at the center point of this analysis, trying to discover what type of relationship was established between these two groups which had their particular way of living. Las fronteras de la política. La vida política amenazada según Isócrates y Demóstenes 125 KB SANCHO ROCHER, Laura 231 Resumen: In this article I try to compare the two thinkers in respect to their attitude to Philipp II and monarchy. Even though the both have different ideas about the actual athenian democracy, in respect to tyranny and dynasteia there’s wide agreement between them, because Isocrates and Demosthenes prefer any politeia of citizens than a monarchy without politeia. El asesinato de Cn. Calpurnio Pisón 117 KB AMELA VALVERDE, Luis 255 Resumen: In the present study is analyzed the murder of Cn. Calpurnius Piso, quaestor pro praetore of Citerior, by his cavalrymen in the year 64 d.C. The death is related to the Pompey’s clientship in Spain and the delicater matter of «First Catilinarian Conspiracy». La irrupción de Hispania en los movimientos socioeconómicos del Mediterráneo Occidental durante las Guerras Civiles 136 KB MOLINA VIDAL, Jaime 281 Resumen: The present study analyses the changes experienced by the Hispanic economy at the end of the Republican era, enabling production to exceed modest levels and to penetrate into the Mediterranean markets, including Rome itself. We have maintained that the inrush of Hispanic goods must have taken place before the August era, during the Civil War period. We have also provided new elements that focus on this period, and especially that the Caesar, as being a key moment in the Hispanic economy that was to become a main focus in migratory movements, investments and new techniques, as well as approaches in agricultural and commercial production. Likewise, we have pointed out some of the repercussions that this peak in the Hispanic economy had, for example, in the investments that took place in the Italian peninsula, or the decadence of Apulian agriculture. Sobre el etnónimo de los gálatas (y de los celtas) 108 KB BALLESTER, Xaverio 307 Resumen: Some of the traditional explanations for the name of the Celtae have no typological paralell at all. The old name of the Celtae could be well preserved in the ethnonym Galatai, which could be explained as *gala- ´end, limit, border´ and *tai `those, they´ with the general meaning of `the border people´, a common kind of ethnonym that suits the geographical situation of old Celts and their historical background. Las Islas Afortunadas de Juba II. Púnico-gaditanos y romano mauretanos en Canarias 183 KB MEDEROS MARTÍN, Alfredo | ESCRIBANO COBO, Gabriel 315 Resumen: The aim of this work is a review of the expedition sent by Juba II to the South of Mauretania and the Canary Islands, ca. 19-10 B.C., presumably with authorization of Augustus and roman ships participation. After to be married with Cleopatra Selene, he attempted to establish the beginning of a new Hellenistic Ptolemaic-Mauretanian dynasty, heiress of Great Alexander and the egyptian Pharaohs. In this project, he explored the territories of the South of Mauretania because he was waiting to find near his new kingdom the origin of the Nile river. After exploring the Drâa river, the expedition visited the Canary Islands making economic resources mention that they could awake foreign interest, dates, honey, wax, rushes, although significantly are not cited the most important, gray amber, dragon blood, shells, orchil and purple haemastoma for dyes, or salt and fish for the elaboration of garum. La vía romana de Berducedo a Bustantigo en el Concejo de Allande (Asturias) 142 KB SANTOS YANGUAS, Narciso 359 Resumen: The road system of the first centuries of our age explains in itself, and within the South-Western area of Asturias, the process of assimilation of Roman organization. The development of settlements (castra) and exploitation of golden deposits will be carried our along this road, belonging the towns of Berducedo and Bustantigo in the Concejo of Allande. The economic basics (mining exploitations) becomes the main clue to understand the process of romanization of this Asturian region. El status qualitatis de la relatio en el texto epigráfico del senado consulto de Gneo Pisón Padre 109 KB RUIZ CASTELLANOS, Antonio | LOMAS SALMONTE, Francisco Javier 389 Resumen: We intend in this paper to solve the difficulty that it presents the expression of the relatio of the Senatus Consultus (SC) of Gnaeus Piso: ad senatum retulit quails causa Cn. Pisonis patris visa esset[...] et qualis causa M.Pisonis visa esset[...] qualis causa Planiciae visa esset ... With this expression, we believe, the SC refers to the juridical and rhetorical position the causes of the Pison’s had. This meaning is confirmed when we contrast the epigraphic SC with Annales 3. 12-18 of Tacit. The consequences that are derived of this interpretation of the formula of the epigraphic SC, are: 1. About the political objectives that Tiberius pursued with this of outlining the relatio in the SC; and 2. About the historicity of this document. Zum Majestätsverbrechen in den Bedürfnisanstalten unter Tiberius 65 KB RYAN, F. X. 413 Resumen: Boulevardzeitungähnliche Geschichten, die nicht so ohne weiteres zu akzeptieren sind, stellen sich günstigenfalls als übertrieben heraus. Im vorliegenden Falle lässt sich in der Tat die Schale abziehen und ein wahrer Kern ausmachen. M. Fidius Fidi f. Quir(ina) Macer, benefactor en Capera 208 KB GONZÁLEZ HERRERO, Marta 417 Resumen: On étudie l´activité evergetique d´un citoyen du municipe de Capera, l´eques Marcus Fidius Fidi filius Quirina Macer. En outre de l´arc quadrifrons, monument funéraire en l´honneur de sa famille, il a aussi consacré à la déesse Trebaruna, un petit bâtiment que l´auteur interprète comme une fontaine monumentale. Pausania e Roma (Nota di lettura a VIII 27, 1) 122 KB MOGGI, Mauro 435 Resumen: The paper suggests new argumets suppoting the integration of έπί τήζ between the words συμφοράυ and άρχής in Paus. VIII 27, 1. Therefore, the passage will lose the strong and explicit anti-roman charge it will have when we identify the συμφορά with Romans άρχή Still resisting are, however, the general reasons allowing us to evognize, in other statements and attitudes clearly represented in Periegesis, that Pausanias had a unpeaceful acceptance of Greeks´ subjection, and conflictual feelings about the new rulers. Tumultos y resistencia indígena en Mauretania Tingitana (siglo II) 165 KB GOZALVES CRAVIOTO, Enrique 451 Resumen: The work studies the testimonies referred to tumulta and raisings in the Roman province in the century II. These indigenous revolts were not successive episodes of the same confrontation but conflicts developed in each case by different ethnic groups. Infidelidade e barbárie na Hispania visigoda 111 KB FRIGHETTO, Renan 491 Resumen: Hispanic-roman and visigothic manuscripts have a characterization of the barbarians that is well known in recent historiography. However, such characterization is absent in juridical texts, mainly in the seventh century. The objective of this study is to discuss the hypothesis that the word «unfaithful» substitutes for «barbarian» in these texts, once the characterization of both is quite similar. El reino visigodo de Toledo y los matrimonios mixtos entre godos y romanos 90 KB VALVERDE, Mª Rosa 511 Resumen: The LV 3.1.1, issued during the kingship of Leovigild, revoked a previous law banning the marriages between Goths and Romans. In all the civil laws which preceded and followed the LV 3.1.1. and that prohibited the mixed unions between people of different religions and/or origins, we discover a political and religious ground. Through the insertion of this derogatory law in its historic context, we try to make evident that Leovigild’s disposition would have had the same kind of political and religious motivations as the other legislative measures that had banned the mixed marriages.