THEORIA Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia
An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science
Editor: Andoni Ibarra Más información / Texto completo (página oficial)
COEDICION: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua / Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco y Centro de Análisis, Lógica e Informática Jurídica (CALIJ)
Volume 24/3, Number 66, September 2009, pp. 257-384 ISSN 0495-4548
UPV/EHU. Theoria, 2009, Vol. 24/3, N° 66, 259-260 Andoni IBARRA (UPV/EHU), "Letter from the editor: Theoria (2003-2009)".
UPV/EHU. Theoria, 2009, Vol. 24/3, N° 66, 263-282 Julian REISS (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and Philip KITCHER (Columbia University), "Biomedical Research, Neglected Diseases, and Well-Ordered Science". In this paper we make a proposal for reforming biomedical research that is aimed to align research more closely with the so-called fair-share principie according to which the proportions of global resources as-signed to different diseases should agree with the ratios of human suffering associated with those diseases. Keywords: biomedical research, neglected diseases, well-ordered science.
UPV/EHU. Theoria, 2009, Vol. 24/3, N° 66, 283-299 Cristina CORREDOR (Universidad de Valladolid), "The Reflexivity of Explicit Performatives". The aim of this contribution is to propose a natural implementation of the reflexive-referential theory advanced by Perry 2001 that aims at accounting for the reflexive character of explicit performative utterances. This is accomplished by introducing a reflexive-performative constraint on explicit performatives. Keywords: explicit performatives, reflexive-referential theory, reflexivity, speech acts, Austin, Perry.
UPV/EHU. Theoria, 2009, Vol. 24/3, N° 66, 301-320 Erik WEBER and Jeroen VAN BOUWEL (Ghent University), "Causation, Unification, and the Adequacy of Explanations of Facts". Pluralism with respect to the strucrure of explanations of facts is not uncommon. The pluralism which Salmon and others have defended is compatible with several positions about the exact relation between these two types of explanations. We distinguish four such positions, and argue in favour of one of them. We also compare our results with the views of some authors who have recendy written on this subject. Keywords: causal explanation, explanatory pluralism, unifícation.
UPV/EHU. Theoria, 2009, Vol. 24/3, N° 66, 323-341 Jesús VEGA ENCABO (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), "Estado de la cuestión: Filosofía de la tecnología" (Philosophy of Technology: State of the Art). In this paper, I review recent contributions to the philosophical reflection on technology. I take as starting point discussions on the ontological nature of artifacts and then discuss quesdons regarding how we get to know about them and the normative dimensions involved in the making and use of artifacts. Keywords: artifact, artificial kinds, function, know-how, functional knowledge, agency, normativity and technology.
OBITUARIES UPV/EHU. Theoria, 2009, Vol. 24/3, N° 66, 345-353
Carlos Castilla del Pino (1922-2009) (J. LÁZARO, A. PANDIELLA y J. C. HERNÁNDEZ-CLEMENTE). 345-347.
Alberto Dou, S.J. (1915-2009) (J.M. AROCA). 349-353.
BOOK REVIEWS UPV/EHU. Theoria, 2009, Vol. 24/3, N° 66, 357-372
H. Andersen, P. Barker y X. Chen (2006), The Cognitive Structure of Scientific Revolutions. (J. V. MAYORAL). 357-359.
M. García Carpintero & M. Kölbel (eds.) (2008), Relative Truth. (J. VALOR) 360-363.
S. Psillos (2009), Knowing the Structure of Nature. (A. RIVADULLA). 363-367.
V. Sánchez de Zavala (2008), Investigaciones sobre la actividad lingüística. Obras escogidas. (J. VELARDE). 367-369.
H. Sankey (2008), Scientific Realism and the Rationality of Science. (C. AMBROSIO). 370-372.