The International Journal of Developmental Biology
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua / Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco / University of the Basque Country Press
Volume 55 - No 6 (2011) Editor-in-Chief: Juan Aréchaga
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ISSN 1696-3547 (online) and 0214-6282 (print)
Hypoxia and neural stem cells: from invertebrates to brain cancer stem cells Ferdinando Mannello, Virginia Medda and Gaetana A Tonti EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2011) 55: 569-581
Original Articles
Regulation and activity of JNK signaling in the wing disc peripodial membrane during adult morphogenesis in Drosophila Chaturvedula Tripura, Nulu-Prafulla Chandrika,Vutukuru-Nagalakshmi Susmitha, Stéphane Noselli and LS Shashidhara EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2011) 55: 583-590
Chromatin dynamics of the developmentally regulated P. lividus neural alpha tubulin gene Marco Emanuele, Salvatore Costa, Maria Antonietta Ragusa and Fabrizio Gianguzza EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2011) 55: 591-596
Opposing actions of histone deacetylase 1 and Notch signalling restrict expression of erm and fgf20a to hindbrain rhombomere centres during zebrafish neurogenesis Elewys G. Lightman, Michael R.M. Harrison and Vincent T. Cunliffe EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2011) 55: 597-602
Developmental Expression Patterns
Expression of the Scavenger Receptor Class B type I (SR-BI) family in Drosophila melanogaster Leire Herboso, Ana Talamillo, Coralia Pérez and Rosa Barrio EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2011) 55: 603-611
Zebrafish enhancer trap line recapitulates embryonic aquaporin 1a expression pattern in vascular endothelial cells Kira Rehn, Kuan Shen Wong, Darius Balciunas and Saulius Sumanas EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2011) 55: 613-618
Differentiation of steroid-producing cells during ovarian differentiation in the protogynous Malabar grouper, Epinephelus malabaricus Ryosuke Murata, Hirofumi Karimata, Yasuhisa Kobayashi, Ryo Horiguchi, Kazuo Kishimoto, Motofumi Kimura, Tohru Kobayashi, Kiyoshi Soyano and Masaru Nakamura EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2011) 55: 619-625
Temporal and spatial expression patterns of Cdc25 phosphatase isoforms during early Xenopus development Nobushige Nakajo, Yu-Ki Deno, Hiroyuki Ueno, Chihiro Kenmochi, Ken Shimuta and Noriyuki Sagata EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2011) 55: 627-632
Decorin developmental expression and function in the early avian embryo Nikolas Zagris, Konstantina Gilipathi, Nikolitsa Soulintzi and Konstantinos Konstantopoulos EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2011) 55: 633-639
Persistent expression of Twist1 in chondrocytes causes growth plate abnormalities and dwarfism in mice Rosa M. Guzzo, Viktoria Andreeva, Douglas B. Spicer and M. Hicham Drissi EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2011) 55: 641-647
Cytoskeletal heart-enriched actin-associated protein (CHAP) is expressed in striated and smooth muscle cells in chick and mouse during embryonic and adult stages Willemijn van Eldik, Abdelaziz Beqqali, Jantine Monshouwer-Kloots, Christine Mummery and Robert Passier EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2011) 55: 649-655
Reproductive Meristem22 is a unique marker for the early stages of stamen development Elisson Romanel, Pradeep Das, Richard M. Amasino, Jan Traas, Elliot Meyerowitz and Marcio Alves-Ferreira EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2011) 55: 657-664
The International Journal of Developmental Biology
ISSN 1696-3547 (online) and 0214-6282 (print)