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The International Journal of Developmental Biology Nº 56

Nombre de la Revista: The International Journal of Developmental Biology
Número de Sumario: 56
Fecha de Publicación: 2012 / 4
Páginas: 116

The International Journal of Developmental Biology

Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua / Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco / University of the Basque Country Press

Volume 56 - No. 4 (2012)                                              Editor-in-Chief: Juan Aréchaga

MORE INFORMATION   [Abstract - FullText / FullText Open Access]

ISSN: 0214-6282  /  ISSN-e: 1696-3547                  www.intjdevbiol.com



Meeting Report

Rediscovering pluripotency: from teratocarcinomas to embryonic stem cells
Ivana Barbaric and Neil J. Harrison

EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2012) 56: 197-206


The poetry of reproduction: the role of LEAFY in Arabidopsis thaliana flower formation
Nirodhini S. Siriwardana and Rebecca S. Lamb

EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2012) 56: 207-221 

Original Articles

The zebrafish sf3b1b460 mutant reveals differential requirements for the sf3b1 pre-mRNA processing gene during neural crest development
Min An and Paul D. Henion

EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2012) 56: 223-237 

xCOUP-TF-B regulates xCyp26 transcription and modulates retinoic acid signaling for anterior neural patterning in Xenopus
Misaki Tanibe, Sho-Ichi Ishiura, Makoto Asashima and Tatsuo Michiue
EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2012) 56: 239-244 

Lack of organ specific commitment of vagal neural crest cell derivatives as shown by back-transplantation of GFP chicken tissues
Lucy J. Freem, Jean Marie Delalande, Alison M. Campbell, Nikhil Thapar and Alan J. Burns

EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2012) 56: 245-254 

Akt1 and insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf2) regulate placentation and fetal/postnatal development
Lindsey N. Kent, Shigeki Ohboshi and Michael J. Soares

EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2012) 56: 255-261 

Bimodal distribution of motility and cell fate in Dictyostelium discoideum
Pavana Goury-Sistla, Vidyanand Nanjundiah and Gopal Pande

EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2012) 56: 263-272 

Technical Article

Retinoic acid stability in stem cell cultures
Kyle A. Sharow, Boris Temkin and Mary Ann Asson-Batres

EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2012) 56: 273-278 

Short Communication

MMTV-neu mice deficient in STAT1 are susceptible to develop ovarian teratomas
Lára Hannesdóttir, Nina Daschil, Sonja Philipp, Piotr Tymoszuk, Elisabeth Müller-Holzner, Günter Klima, Irmgard Verdorfer and Wolfgang Doppler

EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2012) 56: 279-283 

Developmental Expression Patterns

Identification and expression analysis of two novel members of the Mesp family in zebrafish
Stephen J. Cutty, Rita Fior, Pedro M. Henriques, Leonor Saúde and Fiona C. Wardle

EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2012) 56: 285-294 

Comparative expression analysis of the H3K27 demethylases, JMJD3 and UTX, with the H3K27 methylase, EZH2, in Xenopus
Akane Kawaguchi, Haruki Ochi, Norihiro Sudou and Hajime Ogino

EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2012) 56: 295-300 

Sarcosin (Krp1) in skeletal muscle differentiation: gene expression profiling and knockdown experiments
Leonie du Puy, Abdelaziz Beqqali, Helena T.A. van Tol, Jantine Monshouwer-Kloots, Robert Passier, Henk P. Haagsman and Bernard A.J. Roelen
EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2012) 56: 301-309 


CORRIGENDUM: Hox collinearity - a new perspective
Antony J. Durston, Hans J. Jansen, Paul In der Rieden and Michiel H.W. Hooiveld

EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2012) 56: 311-311 

CORRIGENDUM: Persistent expression of Twist1 in chondrocytes causes growth plate abnormalities and dwarfism in mice
Rosa M. Guzzo, Viktoria Andreeva, Douglas B. Spicer and M. Hicham Drissi
EHU/UPV/UBC - The International Journal of Developmental Biology (2012) 56: 311-311 


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