The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense
- Volúmenes 1/9 (1998 /2006) -
A A. IZMAILOV, Chingiz: Multidimensional Scaling of Schematically Represented Faces Based on Dissimilarity Estimates and Evoked Potentials of Differences Amplitudes - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
ABAD, Francisco J.: NuIl sex differences in General Intelligence: Evidence from the WAIS-III. - Vol. 5 N° 1 , 2002 -
ABRAMSON, Charles I.: A New Mathematical Model For Assessment of Memorization Dynamics - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
AGUADO, Luis: Neuroscience of Pavlovian Conditioning: A Brief Review - Vol. 6 N° 2 , 2003 -
ALCALÁ-QUINTANA, Rocío: Sampling Plans for Fitting the Psychometric Function - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
ALONSO, Carmen: The role of anxiety and adaptation to illness in the intensity of postchemotherapy nausea in cancer patients. - Vol. 3 , 2000 -
AMOR, Ángeles: Presentation of Keywords by Means of Interactive Drawings - Vol. 5 N° 2 , 2002 -
APARICIO, Juan José: Constructivism, the So-Called Semantic Learning Theories, and Situated Cognition versus the Psychological Learning Theories - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
ARANA, José M.: Motivational versus volitional mediation of passivity in institutionalized older people. - Vol. 5 N° 1 , 2002 -
AREND, Isabel: Illusory Conjunctions in the Time Domain and the Resulting Time-Course of the Attentional Blink. - Vol. 7 N° 1 , 2004 -
ATO-GARCÍA, Manuel: Alexithymia – State or Trait? - Vol. 6 N° 1 , 2003 -
AVERO, Pedro: Affective Priming with Pictures of Emotional Scenes: The Role of Perceptual Similarity and Category Relatedness - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
AVRUSCHENKO, Maria Sh.: Neuropsychological Disorders Indicative of Postresuscitation Encephalopaty in Rats - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
AYERBE, Ana: Longitudinal study of the stability of expresscd emotion in families of schizophrenic patients: A 9 - month folIow-up. - Vol. 4 N° 1 , 2001 -
B B. LAPA, Gennady: Neuropsychological Disorders Indicative of Postresuscitation Encephalopaty in Rats - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
BAJO, M. Teresa: Lexical Processing of Ambiguous Words: Dominance or Associative Strength? - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
BALAGUER, Isabel: Is the breadth of individualized ranges of optimal anxiety (IZOF) equal for all athletes? A graphical method for establishing IZOF. - Vol. 4 N° 1 , 2001 -
BANDRÉS, Javier: Pavlov in Spain - Vol. 6 N° 2 , 2003 -
BANDRÉS, Javier: Editor’s Note - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
BAÑOS RIVERA, Rosa Mª: Attentional biases and vulnerability to depression. - Vol. 2 , 1999 -
BAÑOS RIVERA, Rosa Mª: Selective processing of food - and body - related information and autonomic arousal in patients with eating disorders. - Vol. 1 , 1998 -
BARCELÓ, Francisco: Does the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test measme prefrontal function. - Vol. 4 N° 1 , 2001 -
BARRÓN LÓPEZ DE RODA, Ana: Social Psychology of Mental Health: The Social Structure and Personality Perspective - Vol. 6 N° 1 , 2003 -
BARRÓN, Ana: Romantic beliefs and myths in Spain. - Vol. 2 , 1999 -
BAUTISTA FUENTES, Juan: Concerning the Madrid Lecture: The Equivocal Character of Pavlov’s Reflexological Objectivism and its Influence on the Distorted Concept of the Physiology-Psychology Relationship - Vol. 6 N° 2 , 2003 -
BECOÑA, Elisardo: Evaluation of the amount of therapist contact in a smoking cessation program. - Vol. 3 , 2000 -
BEI DE LIBONATTI, Elsa: Scores and principal components: The relationship between components due to subjects and to variables. - Vol. 3 , 2000 -
BELLOCH FUSTER, Amparo: Attentional biases and vulnerability to depression. - Vol. 2 , 1999 -
BERDULLAS TEMES, Manuel: The Decade 1989-1998 in Spanish Psychology: An Analysis of the Development of Professional Psychology in Spain. - Vol. 4 N° 2 , 2001 -
BERNALDO DE QUIRÓS ARAGÓN, Mónica: Evaluation of a Group Cue-Exposure Treatment for Opiate Addicts - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
BIMLER, David L.: Facial-Expression Affective Attributes and their Configural Correlates: Components and Categories - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
BLANCO, Amalio: The Decade 1989-1998 in Spanish Psychology: An Analysis of Research in Social Psychology. - Vol. 4 N° 2 , 2001 -
BLASCO, Tomás: The role of anxiety and adaptation to illness in the intensity of postchemotherapy nausea in cancer patients. - Vol. 3 , 2000 -
BOADA, Humbert: Accurate Referential Communication and its Relation with Private and Social Speech in a Naturalistic Context. - Vol. 7 N° 2 , 2004 -
BOAKES, Robert A: The Impact of Pavlov on the Psychology of Learning in English-Speaking Countries - Vol. 6 N° 2 , 2003 -
BOND, Alyson: Selective processing of food - and body - related information and autonomic arousal in patients with eating disorders. - Vol. 1 , 1998 -
BORDA MÁS, Mercedes: AIDS and Social Exclusion: Personality Features or Adaptive Behaviors? - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
BOTELLA, juan: Illusory Conjunctions in the Time Domain and the Resulting Time-Course of the Attentional Blink. - Vol. 7 N° 1 , 2004 -
BRAÑA TOBÍO, Teresa: Consumer preferences and brand equity measurement of Spanish national daily newspapers: A conjoint analysis approach. - Vol. 4 N° 1 , 2001 -
BUCETA, M. José: Development of a child with Joubert syndrome. - Vol. 4 N° 1 , 2001 -
C CABALLERO, Aurora: Towards a model to predict macular dichromats naming errors: Effects of CIE saturation and dichromatism type. - Vol. 4 N° 1 , 2001 -
CAJIDE, Consuelo: Development of a child with Joubert syndrome. - Vol. 4 N° 1 , 2001 -
CALVETE, Esther: Machiavellianism: Dimensionality of the Mach IV and its relation to self-monitoring in a Spanish sample. - Vol. 3 , 2000 -
CALVETE, Esther: Self-Talk and Affective Problems in College Students: Valence of Thinking and Cognitive Content Specificity - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
CALVO, Manuel G.: Eye movements and processing stages in reading: Relative contribution of visual, lexical, and contextual factors. - Vol. 5 N° 1 , 2002 -
CALVO, Manuel G.: Affective Priming with Pictures of Emotional Scenes: The Role of Perceptual Similarity and Category Relatedness - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
CAMPITELLI, Guillermo: Structure and Stimulus Familiarity: A Study of Memory in Chess-Players with Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
CAMPOS, Alfredo: Presentation of Keywords by Means of Interactive Drawings - Vol. 5 N° 2 , 2002 -
CAMPOS, J. Javier: See red? Turn pale? Unveiling Emotions through Cardiovascular and Hemodynamic Changes - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
CANALS, Josepa: Psychological problems and associated factors at 6 years of age: Differences between sexes. - Vol. 7 N° 1 , 2004 -
CANALS, Josepa: Psychological and family factors associated with suicidal ideation in pre-adolcscents. - Vol. 5 N° 1 , 2002 -
CAÑAS, José J.: Lexical Processing of Ambiguous Words: Dominance or Associative Strength? - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
CANTO ORTIZ, Jesús M.: Stereotype Development in Andalusian Children - Vol. 6 N° 1 , 2003 -
CARDEÑOSO, Olga: Self-Talk and Affective Problems in College Students: Valence of Thinking and Cognitive Content Specificity - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
CARRERA, Pilar: Are Facial Displays Social? Situational Influences in the Attribution of Emotion to Facial Expressions. - Vol. 5 N° 2 , 2002 -
CARRIEDO, Nuria: Mental Models in Deductive Reasoning. - Vol. 5 N° 2 , 2002 -
CARRILLO, Jesús M.: Women and Vulnerability to Depression: Some Personality and Clinical Factors. - Vol. 7 N° 1 , 2004 -
CARROBLES, Isabel: Sexual aggression against women by men acquaintances: Attitudes and experiences among Spanish university students. - Vol. 3 , 2000 -
CASTILLO, M. Dolores: Processing of Threat-related Information Outside the Focus of Visual Attention - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
CEREZO, M. Angeles: The Mothering of Conduct Problem and Normal Children in Spain and the USA: Authoritarian and Permissive Asynchrony - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
CHACÓN FUERTES, Fernando: Positive Emotions in Volunteerism - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
CHAMORRO-PREMUZIC, Tomas: Estimating One’s Own and One’s Relatives’ Multiple Intelligence: A Study from Argentina - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
CHECA PONCE, Elena: Adult performance in naming spatial dimensions of objetcs. - Vol. 2 , 1999 -
CHICO LIBRÁN, Eliseo: Personality Dimensions and Subjective Well-Being - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
COLOM, Roberto: NuIl sex differences in General Intelligence: Evidence from the WAIS-III. - Vol. 5 N° 1 , 2002 -
CONCHILLO, Ángela: Comparing Speed Estimations from a Moving Vehicle in Different Traffic Scenarios: Absence versus Presence of Traffic Flow - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
CORRAL, Susana: Machiavellianism: Dimensionality of the Mach IV and its relation to self-monitoring in a Spanish sample. - Vol. 3 , 2000 -
CORTE, Luis de la: The Decade 1989-1998 in Spanish Psychology: An Analysis of Research in Social Psychology. - Vol. 4 N° 2 , 2001 -
COX, Tom: The Development of a Spanish Language Version of the Worn Out Scale of the General Well-Being Questionnaire (GWBQ) - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
CUETOS, Fernando: Number processing dissociations: Evidence from a case of dyscalculia. - Vol. 1 , 1998 -
D DE ARCE, Fernando: Evaluation of a Group Cue-Exposure Treatment for Opiate Addicts - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
DEL PINO, Antonio: Modification of Coronary-Prone Behaviors in Coronary Patients of Low Socio-Economic Status - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
DÍAZ MORALES, Juan Francisco: Composite and Preferences Scales of Morningness: Reliability and Factor Invariance in Adult and University Samples. - Vol. 7 N° 2 , 2004 -
DOMÈNECH-LLABEIRA, Edelmira: Psychological and family factors associated with suicidal ideation in pre-adolcscents. - Vol. 5 N° 1 , 2002 -
DORTA, Ruth: Modification of Coronary-Prone Behaviors in Coronary Patients of Low Socio-Economic Status - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
E ESPARÓ, Griselda: Psychological problems and associated factors at 6 years of age: Differences between sexes. - Vol. 7 N° 1 , 2004 -
ESPINA, Alberto: Longitudinal study of the stability of expresscd emotion in families of schizophrenic patients: A 9 - month folIow-up. - Vol. 4 N° 1 , 2001 -
ESTÉVEZ, Ana: Self-Talk and Affective Problems in College Students: Valence of Thinking and Cognitive Content Specificity - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
EVERAERD, Walter: Sexual aggression against women by men acquaintances: Attitudes and experiences among Spanish university students. - Vol. 3 , 2000 -
EXTREMERA, Natalio: Emotional Intelligence as Predictor of Mental, Social, and Physical Health in University Students - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
F FEIXAS, Guillem: The Multi-Center Dilemma Project: An Investigation on the Role of Cognitive Conflicts in Health. - Vol. 7 N° 1 , 2004 -
FERNÁNDEZ BERROCAL, Pablo: Stereotype Development in Andalusian Children - Vol. 6 N° 1 , 2003 -
FERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA, Paula: Multiple comparison procedures for simple one-way ANOVA with dependent data. - Vol. 2 , 1999 -
FERNÁNDEZ HERMIDA, José Ramón: The Decade 1989-1998 in Spanish Psychology: An Analysis of the Development of Professional Psychology in Spain. - Vol. 4 N° 2 , 2001 -
FERNÁNDEZ-BALLART, Joan D.: Psychological problems and associated factors at 6 years of age: Differences between sexes. - Vol. 7 N° 1 , 2004 -
FERNÁNDEZ-BERROCAL, Pablo: Emotional Intelligence as Predictor of Mental, Social, and Physical Health in University Students - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
FERNÁNDEZ-DOLS, José Miguel: Are Facial Displays Social? Situational Influences in the Attribution of Emotion to Facial Expressions. - Vol. 5 N° 2 , 2002 -
FERNÁNDEZ, Juan: Is there any Relationship between Sexual Attraction and Gender Typology? - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
FERNÁNDEZ, Juan: Editorial - Vol. 3 , 2000 -
FERNÁNDEZ, Juan: Research Trends in Spanish Psycbology (1989-1998). - Vol. 4 N° 2 , 2001 -
FERNÁNDEZ, Juan: Editorial - Vol. 4 N° 1 , 2001 -
FERNÁNDEZ, Juan: Editorial - Vol. 4 N° 2 , 2001 -
FERNÁNDEZ, Juan: Editorial - Vol. 1 , 1998 -
FERNÁNDEZ, María Carmen: A New Look at Cardiac Defense: Attention or Emotion? - Vol. 6 N° 1 , 2003 -
FERRACES, Mª José: The importance of pragmatic aspects in conditional reasoning. - Vol. 2 , 1999 -
FERRÉ ROMEU, Pilar: Memories of the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001: A Study of the Consistency and Phenomenal Characteristics of Flashbulb Memories - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
FERRÉ, Pilar: Advantage for Emotional Words in Immediate aud Delayed Memory Tasks: Could it be Explained in Terms of Processing Capacity. - Vol. 5 N° 2 , 2002 -
FLORES SARAZÚA, Enrique: AIDS and Social Exclusion: Personality Features or Adaptive Behaviors? - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
FROUFE, Manuel: Subliminal messages for increasing self-esteem: Placebo effect. - Vol. 4 N° 1 , 2001 -
FUREDY, John J.: Pavlov’s Methodological Behaviorism as a Pre-Socratic Contribution of the Melding of the Differential and Experimental Psychology - Vol. 6 N° 2 , 2003 -
FURNHAM, Adrian: Estimating One’s Own and One’s Relatives’ Multiple Intelligence: A Study from Argentina - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
G G. CALVO, Manuel: Processing of Threat-related Information Outside the Focus of Visual Attention - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
G. KORSHUNOVA, Svetlana: Multidimensional Scaling of Schematically Represented Faces Based on Dissimilarity Estimates and Evoked Potentials of Differences Amplitudes - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
G. WAHLER, Robert: The Mothering of Conduct Problem and Normal Children in Spain and the USA: Authoritarian and Permissive Asynchrony - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
GALEOTE MORENO, Miguel Ángel: Adult performance in naming spatial dimensions of objetcs. - Vol. 2 , 1999 -
GALLARDO PÉREZ, Myriam: Attentional biases and vulnerability to depression. - Vol. 2 , 1999 -
GALLO, Pilar: Acquisition, Learning, or Development of Language? Skinner’s “Verbal Behavior” Revisited. - Vol. 7 N° 2 , 2004 -
GAOS, Mª Teresa: Modification of Coronary-Prone Behaviors in Coronary Patients of Low Socio-Economic Status - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
GARAIGORDOBIL LANDAZÁBAL, Maite: Assessment of a cooperative-creative program of assertive behavior and self-concept. - Vol. 2 , 1999 -
GÁRATE, Milagros: Effects of an Intervention in Active Strategies for Text Comprehension and Recall. - Vol. 5 N° 2 , 2002 -
GARCÍA-ALBA, Carmen: Anorexia and Depression: Depressive Comorbidity in Anorexic Adolescents. - Vol. 7 N° 1 , 2004 -
GARCÍA-HOZ, Victor: A Note on Skinner and Pavlov’s Physiology. - Vol. 7 N° 2 , 2004 -
GARCÍA-HOZ, Victor: Signalization and Stimulus-Substitution in Pavlov’s Theory of Conditioning - Vol. 6 N° 2 , 2003 -
GARCÍA-LEÓN, Ana: The Aggression Questionnaire: A validation study in student samples. - Vol. 5 N° 1 , 2002 -
GARCÍA-MADRUGA, Juan A.: Mental Models in Deductive Reasoning. - Vol. 5 N° 2 , 2002 -
GARCÍA-MADRUGA, Juan A.: Effects of an Intervention in Active Strategies for Text Comprehension and Recall. - Vol. 5 N° 2 , 2002 -
GARCÍA-MERITA, M. Luisa: Is the breadth of individualized ranges of optimal anxiety (IZOF) equal for all athletes? A graphical method for establishing IZOF. - Vol. 4 N° 1 , 2001 -
GARCÍA-PÉREZ, Miguel A.: Fitting logistic IRT models: small wonder. - Vol. 2 , 1999 -
GARCÍA-PÉREZ, Miguel A.: The Decade 1989-1998 in Spanish Psychology: An Analysis of Research in Statistics, Methodology, and Psychometric Theory. - Vol. 4 N° 2 , 2001 -
GARCÍA-PÉREZ, Miguel A.: Is the DeVries-Rose to Weber Transition Empirically Possible with Sine-Wave Gratings? - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
GARCÍA-PÉREZ, Miguel A.: Sampling Plans for Fitting the Psychometric Function - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
GARCÍA-SÁNCHEZ, Jesús-Nicasio: The Decade 1989-1998 in Spanish Psychology: An Analysis of Research in Developmental and Educational Psychology. - Vol. 4 N° 2 , 2001 -
GARCÍA, Enrique: Longitudinal study of the stability of expresscd emotion in families of schizophrenic patients: A 9 - month folIow-up. - Vol. 4 N° 1 , 2001 -
GARCÍA, Horacio Daniel: Some Variables Associated with Psychologists’ Appraisal of Psychotherapy in Argentina - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
GARCÍA, Luis F.: NuIl sex differences in General Intelligence: Evidence from the WAIS-III. - Vol. 5 N° 1 , 2002 -
GARCÍA, María del Pilar: Evaluation of the amount of therapist contact in a smoking cessation program. - Vol. 3 , 2000 -
GARCÍA, Martín: Modification of Coronary-Prone Behaviors in Coronary Patients of Low Socio-Economic Status - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
GIL ROALES-NIETO, Jesús: Accuracy in Discriminating Blood Glucose Levels in a Sample of Children with Type 1 Diabetes. - Vol. 7 N° 2 , 2004 -
GIMÉNEZ DE LA PEÑA, Almudena: Stereotype Development in Andalusian Children - Vol. 6 N° 1 , 2003 -
GIRBAU, Dolors: Accurate Referential Communication and its Relation with Private and Social Speech in a Naturalistic Context. - Vol. 7 N° 2 , 2004 -
GIRBAU, Dolors: A Sequential Analysis of Private and Social Speech in Children's Dyadic Communication. - Vol. 5 N° 2 , 2002 -
GOBET, Fernand: Structure and Stimulus Familiarity: A Study of Memory in Chess-Players with Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
GOLIKOV, Juri P.: The Pavlov Department of Physiology: A Scientific History - Vol. 6 N° 2 , 2003 -
GONZÁLEZ GUTIÉRREZ, José Luis: Nursing Motives for Helping Scale (N-MHS): Reliability and Validity - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles: Presentation of Keywords by Means of Interactive Drawings - Vol. 5 N° 2 , 2002 -
GONZÁLEZ, Pilar: Longitudinal study of the stability of expresscd emotion in families of schizophrenic patients: A 9 - month folIow-up. - Vol. 4 N° 1 , 2001 -
GONZALO DE LA CASA, Luis: Pavlov in America: A Heterodox Approach to the Study of his Influence - Vol. 6 N° 2 , 2003 -
GORENKOVA, Natalia A.: Neuropsychological Disorders Indicative of Postresuscitation Encephalopaty in Rats - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
GRAS, Mª Eugenia: Psychological and family factors associated with suicidal ideation in pre-adolcscents. - Vol. 5 N° 1 , 2002 -
GRIFFITHS, Amanda: The Development of a Spanish Language Version of the Worn Out Scale of the General Well-Being Questionnaire (GWBQ) - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
GUTIÉRREZ, Francisco: Effects of an Intervention in Active Strategies for Text Comprehension and Recall. - Vol. 5 N° 2 , 2002 -
GUTIÉRREZ, Francisco: Mental Models in Deductive Reasoning. - Vol. 5 N° 2 , 2002 -
H HERRERA SÁNCHEZ, Isabel María: A Pragmatic Guideline for Evaluation of Social Intervention - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
HERREROS DE TEJADA, Pilar: Contrast sensitivity function of the albino rat determined electrophysiologically. - Vol. 1 , 1998 -
HERREROS DE TEJADA, Pilar: The Decade 1989-1998 in Spanish Psychology: An Analysis of Research in Psychobiology. - Vol. 4 N° 2 , 2001 -
HIDALGO MONTESINOS, M. Dolores: Fitting Rasch Model using Appropriateness Measure Statistics - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
HUNTER, Simon C.: The Long-Term Effects of Coping Strategy Use in Victims of Bullying. - Vol. 7 N° 1 , 2004 -
I I . SHULGINA, Galina: The Neurophysiological Validation of the Hyperpolarization Theory of Internal Inhibition - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
IGOA, José Manuel: The Decade 1989-1998 in Spanish Psychology: An Analysis of Research in Basic Psychological Processes, History of Psychology, and Other Related Topics. - Vol. 4 N° 2 , 2001 -
J J. LABRADOR, Francisco J.: Evaluation of a Group Cue-Exposure Treatment for Opiate Addicts - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
JIMÉNEZ GONZÁLEZ, Juan E.: ldentifying subtypes of reading disability in the Spanish language. - Vol. 5 N° 1 , 2002 -
JIMÉNEZ GONZÁLEZ, Juan E.: Metalinguistic awareness and reading acquisition in the Spanish language. - Vol. 3 , 2000 -
JOHNSON-LAIRD, Philip N.: Mental Models in Deductive Reasoning. - Vol. 5 N° 2 , 2002 -
JUAN-ESPINOSA, Manuel: NuIl sex differences in General Intelligence: Evidence from the WAIS-III. - Vol. 5 N° 1 , 2002 -
JUSTICIA, Fernando: Lexical Processing of Ambiguous Words: Dominance or Associative Strength? - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
JUSTICIA, Fernando: Development of Memory Structures for Homographs Using Pathfinder Network Representations - Vol. 6 N° 1 , 2003 -
K KLIMENKO, Victor M.: The Pavlov Department of Physiology: A Scientific History - Vol. 6 N° 2 , 2003 -
KOVALEV, Georgi I.: Neuropsychological Disorders Indicative of Postresuscitation Encephalopaty in Rats - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
KUBINGER, Klaus D.: On a Practitioner’s Need of Further Development of Wechsler Scales. Adaptive Intelligence Diagnosticum (AID 2). - Vol. 7 N° 2 , 2004 -
L LABRADOR, Francisco Javier: Skinner and the Rise of Behavior Modification and Behavior Therapy. - Vol. 7 N° 2 , 2004 -
LANDÍN, Covadonga: Self-Talk and Affective Problems in College Students: Valence of Thinking and Cognitive Content Specificity - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
LEÓN RUBIO, José María: A Pragmatic Guideline for Evaluation of Social Intervention - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
LEONARD, Thierry: Selective processing of food - and body - related information and autonomic arousal in patients with eating disorders. - Vol. 1 , 1998 -
LILLO, Julio: Towards a model to predict macular dichromats naming errors: Effects of CIE saturation and dichromatism type. - Vol. 4 N° 1 , 2001 -
LLAVONA, Rafael: Pavlov in Spain - Vol. 6 N° 2 , 2003 -
LÓPEZ LÓPEZ, Almudena: Nursing Motives for Helping Scale (N-MHS): Reliability and Validity - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
LÓPEZ LÓPEZ, Juan José: The role of anxiety and adaptation to illness in the intensity of postchemotherapy nausea in cancer patients. - Vol. 3 , 2000 -
LÓPEZ ORNAT, Susana: Acquisition, Learning, or Development of Language? Skinner’s “Verbal Behavior” Revisited. - Vol. 7 N° 2 , 2004 -
LÓPEZ PINA, José Antonio: Fitting Rasch Model using Appropriateness Measure Statistics - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
LUQUE, Juan Luis: Effects of an Intervention in Active Strategies for Text Comprehension and Recall. - Vol. 5 N° 2 , 2002 -
M MACKINTOSH, Nicholas J.: Pavlov and Associationism - Vol. 6 N° 2 , 2003 -
MARCOS, José L.: Relation between conditioned stimulus-elicit responses and unconditioned response diminution in long -interval human heart-rate classical conditioning. - Vol. 4 N° 1 , 2001 -
MARÍN-MARTÍNEZ, Fulgencio: Averaging dependent effect sizes in meta-analysis: A cautionary note about procedures. - Vol. 2 , 1999 -
MARTÍN RODRÍGUEZ, Agustín: Psychosocial Adaptation in Relatives of Critically Injured Patients Admitted to an Intensive Care Unit - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
MARTÍNEZ-ÍÑIGO, David: Romantic beliefs and myths in Spain. - Vol. 2 , 1999 -
MARTÍNEZ-SÁNCHEZ, Francisco: Alexithymia – State or Trait? - Vol. 6 N° 1 , 2003 -
MARTÍNEZ, Yolanda: Self-Talk and Affective Problems in College Students: Valence of Thinking and Cognitive Content Specificity - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
MARTÍN, Montserrat: The importance of pragmatic aspects in conditional reasoning. - Vol. 2 , 1999 -
MATEOS, Pedro M.: Motivational versus volitional mediation of passivity in institutionalized older people. - Vol. 5 N° 1 , 2002 -
MATT, Georg: Post-Traumatic Stress Reactions Following the March 11, 2004 Terrorist Attacks in a Madrid Community Sample: A Cautionary Note about the Measurement of Psychological Trauma - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
MEDINA ANZANO, Silvia: A Pragmatic Guideline for Evaluation of Social Intervention - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
MEILÁN, Juan J. G.: Motivational versus volitional mediation of passivity in institutionalized older people. - Vol. 5 N° 1 , 2002 -
MENÉNDEZ DE LA FUENTE, Ignacio: Multiple comparison procedures for simple one-way ANOVA with dependent data. - Vol. 2 , 1999 -
MENJARES, Pete C.: The development and construct validation of a Spanish version of an academic self-concept scale for middle school Hispanic students from families of low socioeconomic levels. - Vol. 3 , 2000 -
MICHAEL, William B.: The development and construct validation of a Spanish version of an academic self-concept scale for middle school Hispanic students from families of low socioeconomic levels. - Vol. 3 , 2000 -
MIERA, Graciela: Number processing dissociations: Evidence from a case of dyscalculia. - Vol. 1 , 1998 -
MOLCHANOVA, Lidia V.: Neuropsychological Disorders Indicative of Postresuscitation Encephalopaty in Rats - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
MONTORIO CERRATO, Ignacio: Sexual aggression against women by men acquaintances: Attitudes and experiences among Spanish university students. - Vol. 3 , 2000 -
MONTOYA, Pedro: See red? Turn pale? Unveiling Emotions through Cardiovascular and Hemodynamic Changes - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
MORA MERCHÁN, Joaquín: The Long-Term Effects of Coping Strategy Use in Victims of Bullying. - Vol. 7 N° 1 , 2004 -
MORALES-VIVES, Fabia: How Impulsivity is Related to Intelligence and Academic Achievement - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
MOREIRA, Humberto: Towards a model to predict macular dichromats naming errors: Effects of CIE saturation and dichromatism type. - Vol. 4 N° 1 , 2001 -
MORENO RODRÍGUEZ, Ricardo: Nursing Motives for Helping Scale (N-MHS): Reliability and Validity - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
MORENO, Sergio: Mental Models in Deductive Reasoning. - Vol. 5 N° 2 , 2002 -
MUÑOZ ADÁNEZ, Alfredo: Does Quantity Generate Quality? Testing the Fundamental Principle of Brainstorming - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
MUÑOZ TEDÓ, Carmen: The Decade 1989-1998 in Spanish Psychology: An Analysis of Research in Psychobiology. - Vol. 4 N° 2 , 2001 -
MUÑOZ TEDÓ, Carmen: Contrast sensitivity function of the albino rat determined electrophysiologically. - Vol. 1 , 1998 -
N N. SOKOLOV, Evgeni: Multidimensional Scaling of Schematically Represented Faces Based on Dissimilarity Estimates and Evoked Potentials of Differences Amplitudes - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
NAVARRO, Miguel: Early cannabinoid exposure as a source of vulnerability to opiate addiction: A model in laboratory rodents. - Vol. 1 , 1998 -
NAZARENKO, Irina V.: Neuropsychological Disorders Indicative of Postresuscitation Encephalopaty in Rats - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
NIEVAS, Francisco: Development of Memory Structures for Homographs Using Pathfinder Network Representations - Vol. 6 N° 1 , 2003 -
NIEVAS, Francisco: Lexical Processing of Ambiguous Words: Dominance or Associative Strength? - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
NUNES, Luis: Comparing Speed Estimations from a Moving Vehicle in Different Traffic Scenarios: Absence versus Presence of Traffic Flow - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
NÚÑEZ, Juan P.: Unconscious Learning. Conditioning to Subliminal Visual Stimuli. - Vol. 7 N° 1 , 2004 -
O OLIVER, Amparo: The Development of a Spanish Language Version of the Worn Out Scale of the General Well-Being Questionnaire (GWBQ) - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
ORTEGA, Rosario: The Long-Term Effects of Coping Strategy Use in Victims of Bullying. - Vol. 7 N° 1 , 2004 -
ORTIZ GONZÁLEZ, María del Rosario: Metalinguistic awareness and reading acquisition in the Spanish language. - Vol. 3 , 2000 -
ORTIZ-SORIA, Beatriz: Alexithymia – State or Trait? - Vol. 6 N° 1 , 2003 -
P PALLARÉS, Cinta: The role of anxiety and adaptation to illness in the intensity of postchemotherapy nausea in cancer patients. - Vol. 3 , 2000 -
PARAMEI, Galina V.: Facial-Expression Affective Attributes and their Configural Correlates: Components and Categories - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
PÁRAMO, Fernanda: Field dependence-independence in second-language acquisition: Some forgotten aspects. - Vol. 1 , 1998 -
PARKER, Amanda: Structure and Stimulus Familiarity: A Study of Memory in Chess-Players with Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
PAÚL, Pilar de: Romantic beliefs and myths in Spain. - Vol. 2 , 1999 -
PEGALAJAR, Joaquín: A New Look at Cardiac Defense: Attention or Emotion? - Vol. 6 N° 1 , 2003 -
PEÑACOBA PUENTE, Cecilia: Nursing Motives for Helping Scale (N-MHS): Reliability and Validity - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
PERAITA ANDRADOS, Herminia: Adult performance in naming spatial dimensions of objetcs. - Vol. 2 , 1999 -
PÉREZ SAN GREGORIO, Mª Ángeles: Psychosocial Adaptation in Relatives of Critically Injured Patients Admitted to an Intensive Care Unit - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
PÉREZ SAN GREGORIO, Mª Ángeles: AIDS and Social Exclusion: Personality Features or Adaptive Behaviors? - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
PÉREZ-ÁLVAREZ, Marino: Psychopathology According to Behaviorism: A Radical Restatement. - Vol. 7 N° 2 , 2004 -
PÉREZ-SALES, Pau: Post-Traumatic Stress Reactions Following the March 11, 2004 Terrorist Attacks in a Madrid Community Sample: A Cautionary Note about the Measurement of Psychological Trauma - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
PÉREZ, Nieves: A New Look at Cardiac Defense: Attention or Emotion? - Vol. 6 N° 1 , 2003 -
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Q QUIROGA ESTÉVEZ, Mª Ángeles: Life stressors and cognitive styles in children. - Vol. 4 N° 1 , 2001 -
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RESCORLA, Robert A.: Contemporary Study of Pavlovian Conditioning - Vol. 6 N° 2 , 2003 -
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RODRÍGUEZ DE FONSECA, Fernando: Early cannabinoid exposure as a source of vulnerability to opiate addiction: A model in laboratory rodents. - Vol. 1 , 1998 -
RODRÍGUEZ MONEO, María: Constructivism, the So-Called Semantic Learning Theories, and Situated Cognition versus the Psychological Learning Theories - Vol. 8 N° 2 , 2005 -
ROJO, Nieves: Women and Vulnerability to Depression: Some Personality and Clinical Factors. - Vol. 7 N° 1 , 2004 -
ROONEY SANTOSTEFANO, Susan: Life stressors and cognitive styles in children. - Vol. 4 N° 1 , 2001 -
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RUIPÉREZ RODRÍGUEZ, Mª Ángeles: Attentional biases and vulnerability to depression. - Vol. 2 , 1999 -
RUIZ-PADIAL, Elisabeth: A New Look at Cardiac Defense: Attention or Emotion? - Vol. 6 N° 1 , 2003 -
RUIZ, Gabriel: Pavlov in America: A Heterodox Approach to the Study of his Influence - Vol. 6 N° 2 , 2003 -
RUIZ, Trinidad: Comparing Speed Estimations from a Moving Vehicle in Different Traffic Scenarios: Absence versus Presence of Traffic Flow - Vol. 9 N° 1 , 2006 -
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SÁNCHEZ MECA, Julio: Averaging dependent effect sizes in meta-analysis: A cautionary note about procedures. - Vol. 2 , 1999 -
SÁNCHEZ MORENO, Estéban: Collectivize Social Support? Elements for Reconsidering the Social Dimension in the Study of Social Support. - Vol. 7 N° 2 , 2004 -
SÁNCHEZ MORENO, Estéban: Social Psychology of Mental Health: The Social Structure and Personality Perspective - Vol. 6 N° 1 , 2003 -
SÁNCHEZ-LÓPEZ, María Pilar: Composite and Preferences Scales of Morningness: Reliability and Factor Invariance in Adult and University Samples. - Vol. 7 N° 2 , 2004 -
SÁNCHEZ-MIGUEL, Emilio: The Decade 1989-1998 in Spanish Psychology: An Analysis of Research in Developmental and Educational Psychology. - Vol. 4 N° 2 , 2001 -
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VARGAS, Julie S.: A Daughter’s Retrospective of B. F. Skinner - Vol. 7 N° 2 , 2004 -
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VECINA JIMÉNEZ, María Luisa: Positive Emotions in Volunteerism - Vol. 8 N° 1 , 2005 -
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